Friday, April 25, 2014

Why Am I Gaining Weight Even Though I Work Out!!!

This was the question that had me stumpped recently!
I realized last month that I had hit a plateau in my weight loss – I started the year at 113kg, went down to 112kg then stuck…nothing -I tried worked. So Googleing this question, I found out that my body could get used to my work out routine and this could cause the rate of weight loss or toning to slow down; and that changing the routine/regime could help in maintaining and jumpstarting consistent weight loss.

This weight loss/healthy living lifestyle, it really is not easy…

Anyway, as I am committed, I decided to join a gym near my house that has instructors who are reputed to be very helpful and hands on. So that is the path that I am on now….I am still swimming but once a week. Then I use my kettlebells only when I cannot make it to the gym…at least for this season. Now I am doing 20-30minutes on the treadmill, 30minutes on the cycler, 15 minutes lifting weights (to tone my abs), and 5 minutes (I have never been able to do more than 5mins on this brutal machine) on a horrible step machine  (don’t know what it’s called), and 10minutes on a cross trainer. I mix it up, but spend about 90minutes in the gym every other weekday and 2 hours on Saturday morning. Again, I am committed, I must get back on track and end this year at <100kg.

You would think that with all this work the excess would be falling off like leaves in autumn, right? WRONG!!! I was devastated when one week in I weighed myself and did a double take when my scale read 115kg!!! I was like…it must be the coffee creamer, so I ditched the coffee creamer. Three days after and another scale check and I saw 116kg!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE @@@&&&%%%????? I almost called my doctor… I was gutted. So I did what I always do when stumped, I searched Google. The result of my search was quite enlightening and reassuring; at least I am not going mad. I realized that:

a.   I am not the only one who has experienced this

b.   There is a story behind the post workout weight gain

c.    It is temporary

So, if you are like me and you just started a new work out plan/regime and you notice that instead of losing weight your scale is actually going the other way, this is for you! And I hope what I learned reassures you as it did me.

So why does this happen?

I found out that when we start a new work out program (like start jogging 20minutes each morning) we normally experience muscle soreness – the more intense the work out the more intense the soreness. This soreness/pain is our body trying to protect itself (similar to when we go into starvation mode when we reduce food intake drastically and gain weight). Physiologists refer to this protective soreness as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Basically, what is happening is that when we work out we are breaking down the tissues in our muscles, making them inflamed and slightly swollen as the breaking down causes fluid retention. This fluid retention is the reason behind the weight gain sometimes as much as 5kg! This weight gain can last for up to 3 weeks into the new program, and if we stick to the new program we begin to see major [but reasonable] drops in weight via our scales.

In my opinion, this can be disconcerting if you don’t know what to expect when you start a new work out regime but the payoff is ‘kind of’ worth it – especially if like me you have plateaued in your weight loss. I actually think that I can use this DOMS-thingie to facilitate my weight loss and change my routine (probably go back to swimming vigorously and four times a week kettle-belling in a few months) so that I can start the cycle again to dodge plateauing. Another payoff is that the increased intensity required to experience the DOMS also revs metabolism – so it is ‘kind of’ worth it.

One thing to note though…the temporary weight gain as a result of DOMS only lasts a for approximately 3 weeks – less if you are lucky (I waited about 3 weeks before seeing the drop in my weight); so if you keep adding weight after three weeks it’s best to look at your calorie to energy expended ratio (food in vs energy burnt). To effectively lose weight, we must always expend more energy than we are taking in (in calories) – and that is usually a culprit. So be cautious.

From experience I know it’s easy to say I worked out last night so I can cheat and have that extra bar of chocolate (GUILTY!!! J). When I did that, I was simply undoing all of my hard work. So I reckon, if I work so hard, I might as well help myself and zip it!
What do YOU think?
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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Drop It While You Shop

We’ve all heard about retail therapy, right? What if I told you that you could actually burn calories while you shop? Yep! Burn calories while shopping!
When I was in university I came across the following information and thought to share it…after all every little helps, right? Plus shopping is so much fun!
Trying on Swimming Costumes burns about 60 calories and helps your posture (with all the stretching) which is good for all round flexibility.
Burn 100 calories by lifting heavy boxes off medium high shelves; this is a great workout for your triceps and front of shoulders including your anterior deltoids.

Work your biceps, triceps and those anterior deltoids some more by moving clothes along racks (long racks though…and not just one shirt on a hanger! LOL), this is worth 60 calories.
And one I absolutely love…trying on high heeled shoes – this can knock off between 60 – 90 calories in 15 minutes. You’ll say 15 minutes trying shoes…I assure you shoe lovers can relate to this. This work out exercises your calves (aka yams) and could help shape them! I’m off to my favorite shoe shop this holiday (ADD-ONS Accessories – check them out on Facebook) so I will definitely be getting my work out in!
Burn 100+ calories by walking briskly between shops, but it has to be some reasonable distance (I’m trying to rationalize cos this seems too easy – right?); this could help tone your legs and back. If you add your bulging shopping bags to the mix you are looking to burn even more calories (possibly up to 300) and tone your arms as well!
Jeans/Denim lovers will love this one – you can actually burn 200 calories trying on tight jeans! Yes all that shimmying and jumping and tugging and pulling has some value – 200 calories worth! [smile]. And while you are at it, your hamstrings (the muscles at the back of you laps, right under your bum), quadriceps (your laps) and gluteal muscles (your bum) get a good workout. So all that sweat is not for nothing!
So why all this information – two simple words RETAIL THERAPY! This is a long weekend, and as we celebrate Easter and recalibrate spiritually (after all the season does have a very poignant meaning) we may have plans to go shopping! This information ensures that this shopping expedition will be virtually guilt-free! Your own personal workout in the mall!

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Friday, April 11, 2014

Loving Jill Scott

I fell in love with Jill Scott in Tyler Perry’s ‘Why Did I Get Married’. If you have seen the movie you would understand my affinity towards her character–
  • She was intelligent [check]
  • She was beautiful [blushing check]
  • She was insecure [sighing check]
  • She was chunky aka fat [check, check, check]
Remember how she had to leave the plane on account of her size? That was one of my worst fears flying and having to request for seat belt extensions!
Remember how her husband in the movie talked down on her when she surprised him with that lovely white/cream negligée? I would have broken his head right then!!! Yes, I would! Don’t y’all try me… LOL
Then at the end of the movie when it all came around for her – she gained confidence, gained a ruggedly handsome husband and an apology from her abuser to boot!
If you have not seen 'Why Did I Get Married', I recommend it 100%.
I’ve followed her career and life since then, and she has been my style muse –its quite hard to dress a certain way when you are a certain size – and she constantly pulled it off beautifully. So I love Jill Scott – her music, her movies, her clothes, her! I think she is a worthwhile example for all us chunky ladies out there. There is no need to hide your light under a bushel just because you are chunky and people don’t appreciate the gift that you are to their lives.
Anyhow, Jill reinvented herself recently and I’m loving it!  She lost over 63lbs! No small deal I assure you. But what totally tickles me is that she allegedly admitted that in spite of this weight loss, she still loves her curves and knows that she will never be a ‘stick figure’.

Reading stuff on the net, I gather she works out – 60 minutes of cardio and strength training three times a week with a personal trainer. This routine includes kick boxing, biking outdoors and boxing. Doable, right? Don’t let the ‘personal trainer’ bit discourage you – you too can get a personal trainer – just buy the DVD and the instructor is YOUR personal trainer! YEP!
As for eating, I hear she says that she has 3 low fat meals and two snacks each day! Remember what I blogged about in ‘Chanelling Dr Oz’ We don’t have to starve ourselves to DROP IT! Healthy choices are the best policy, and obviously Jill has got a firm handle and we should emulate her – after all her results speak for all of us struggling with excess weight!
So here is to loving JILL SCOTT…a worthy muse if you need some encouragement as you Drop It 4 Life!

I cannot wait to be her current size!!! Wink!
So, I’ve told you mine; who is your weight loss muse? Who encourages you…?

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Friday, April 4, 2014

6 Ideas to Help Cut Down [Your] Salt Intake

I got a shocker when I learned this, and had to share! I was like OMG!!
Do you know that excess salt consumption could sabotage your weight loss? Yes, OMG!! It could also actually affect your appearance by making you look puffy [a polite way of saying FAT], bloated (due to water retention)?
Do you know that it could also contribute to high blood pressure? Right about now you should be asking ‘So, my salt intake can actually hinder my efforts to lose weight?’ YES!!! Other than that, it can really mess up one’s overall health…
Other undesirable effects of excess salt consumption include:
ü  Stroke
ü  Heart disease
ü  Stomach cancer
ü  Osteoporosis
ü  Kidney stones
ü  Headaches
ü  Enlarged heart muscles

Very undesirable, right?

If you are like me, you would/should be keen on cutting your salt intake -avoid consuming too much salt. Here are some ideas I discovered:

1.   Beware of ready-made foods like packed soups. Although they are marketed as healthy options, they actually have an unhealthy amount of salt – sometimes over 2.5g of salt per 250g serving (almost half of the adult daily recommended intake of 6g). Think about it this way – you want to lose weight and have 3 packed soups in one day – that’s 7.5g! Then we wonder why we are having constant headaches and our BP is escalating? (for ‘we’, read ‘I’).

It’s not because of the stress of the diet…it’s the salt! L

2.   I was very happy when I heard that the best breakfast is a bowl of oats (porridge) rather than cereal – coz that’s what I have for breakfast most days. From an article on I gather that most cereals are quite high in salt with some having as much as 2.2g/100g serving! I have taken to reading the labels to make sure I am not dozing myself with salt. Both my parents are hypertensive, and prior to my new lifestyle I was on BP medication. Other options for breakfast include – egg, fruit…etc. Its about choices...we all need to make the choices that support a healthy lifestyle.

3.   Fresh is best! I hear that this is Jennifer Aniston’s secret to her beautiful skin and hair! With the hustle & bustle of life, we tend to reach for the fast option – the cakes, meat pies, packet soup, baked beans, sandwiches, corned beef …you know! All of these have far too much salt (sodium) – much more than we actually need. So, whenever possible avoid processed foods; opt rather for freshly made food (I don’t mean freshly baked bread…lol) like fresh salads, grilled fish/meat, soup, boiled plantains, fresh fruit, fresh smoothies (rather than packed fruit juice) …! Fresh also means less sugar, so on every side it is better!

4.   A know a lot of people who won’t eat until they have reached for the salt cellar on the table and added more salt to their meal. I have a thing – I think salt should be cooked (yep! COOKED). Call me crazy, but I will not add ‘fresh’ salt to already cooked food – I think it’s unhealthy. I have no scientific evidence to support this, it’s just my craziness! But hey! It helps keep my salt consumption down! J

5.   In one of my earlier posts I mentioned that I hardly ever actually cook with salt (if I can help it), what I do is get creative and use spices to add flavor to my meals. Really good alternatives to salt include onion powder – but I go the extra mile and use garlic powder and turmeric as well. I actually swear by turmeric to help bring out all the natural good flavor of my food! Try it, and let me know. You can also experiment with herbs like rosemary (works well with jollof rice, meat & even fish), oregano, thyme etc.

You may want to try something I did: I premixed some cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper, garlic & onion powder, used a mortar and pestle to grind them fine and stored in an air tight container. This is now my go to when I want to grill fish or chicken. It’s one way I reduce my salt consumption. Give it a try, and let me know how it goes.

6.   Check label when you buy. Any sodium above 0.5g/100g is HIGH, and 0.1g/100g is low. Remember the recommended daily allowance of salt for an adult is 6g, so do the math. The things you chose to eat add up in much more than calories – salt adds up too. And when the salt adds up…the blood pressure goes up as well.

Don’t be shy to read the label before you move items off the shelf in the store to your shopping basket – I can say this because I used to be shy – used to think people would think I was ignorant when I read the label before adding the item to my shopping basket. NO!!! It is the ignorant who do not read what’s in the condiment/soup packet/cereal box, canned food etc before buying. Remember GIGO? Garbage In; Garbage Out! Same thing applies here (my opinion).

I hope you have been inspired and educated! And become more committed to cut down on your salt intake….it does help as we drop it for life! J

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