Friday, January 30, 2015

Learn How To Walk

It’s no secret that I think that walking is a fabulous way to shed weight and stay fit. It not only tones your muscles but also builds stamina PLUS it gives you an amazing cardio workout! Having said that, if you recall I had mentioned previously that I have struggled with back pain over the last few months caused by several things like my sleeping position, sitting posture etc But I just realized that the way I walk also could contribute to muscle and back pain!
You see, my mom drummed it into me while growing up that ladies walk with their heads high, shoulders straight and tummies tucked in (hope I’m not the only one whose mom told this?). Anyway, I was walking recently and realized that tucking in my tummy has become such a part of me that I do it without thinking. So even while working out, I still tuck in my tummy – holding my body stiffly. I don’t think the posture is that’s bad, but I realized that while tucking in my tummy, I tensed up my entire body.  Everything….abs, gluts, quads, butt… the works. The result of that was that my muscles were stiff while working out… hence my epiphany. I knew then that I needed to learn how to walk more EFFECTIVELY. So in my bid to learn, I picked up some nifty tips, which I want to share with you…
Footware: The wrong footwear will compromise your walking. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, nor does it have to break the bank- but the rule (from what I gather) is that your shoes should have maximum cushioning and flexibility in the front of the shoe.
Stand Straight: When you stand straight and your body is aligned, you are better able to work more powerfully thus walking faster and burning more calories.
Breathe: The importance of breathing properly cannot be overemphasized. To present it simply – breathe deeply while walking. Some articles I have read advice that you breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth … but that is a bit too complicated for me at the moment. LOL!   
Use your arms: Keep your arms bent, and vigorously pump them (forward and backwards) as you move. This actually helps you increase your speed and momentum. I’ve found that holding weights as you do this adds some tension and more burn to the work out (I use 1kg dumb bells)

Step it UP: Boost your burn, by taking shorter and faster steps – no long jump strides here.
Hear Drums: When my heart is beating powerfully I like to say I am hearing drums beat in my ears just for me (don’t mind my silly analogy). But seriously, if you don’t increase your heart rate when you walk, you aren’t doing much damage to ‘em fat cells/calories. The rule is ‘short & fast steps’ - as brisk as you can to the point that you have to catch your breath if you are going to have a word with anyone.
Set Goals: Either have a steps goal (ie the number of steps you will cover in x amount of time). You still have ONE DAY to get with the program and WIN a PEDOMETER which helps you track your steps goal. If that fails, use your eyes…identify a mark ahead of you and aim to reach it in x amount of time. It’s all about the speed you can muster in short/faster steps.
Having said all of this, tightening your muscles while you walk could be the cause of stiff muscles after your work out. And it can cause a lot of [unnecessary] pain – believe me, I know! It is important to consciously loosen your muscles while walking, and hydrate all day long.

You can achieve a whole lot more toning and burning when you walk properly – ensuring that you indeed Drop It 4 Life.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

No More Cheat Days

For the newbies to the dieting game, a cheat day is a day (or days) when you are [technically ‘allowed to ditch your diet and eat whatever you want, eat however much you desire and basically let yourself go. Some people actually build ‘cheat days’ into their diet plan/regime. I was very guilty of this. I would eat so much you would have to call my walk a waddle! I would ditch my work out that entire day, and laze around…eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

My cheat days were excuses to binge and basically go off the reservation. But recently while reflecting on my healthy lifestyle (some call lifelong diet) and stumbles along the way, I could see a common thread appear (one of several, I assure you)…CHEAT DAYS.

This may not be everyone’s reality, but it is mine – so please think of this from that perspective as you read. Anyway, I realized that I invariably had difficulty bouncing back after cheating for one day – be it my work out, healthy eating, intentional eating…whatever, I kind of lost my mojo. And restarting was almost like jumpstarting a faulty car – difficult.

It’s my personal belief that when you engage in repetitive behavior, the action gets easier as you continue doing it. Yes? You move into what motivational speakers like Tony Robbins would refer to as ‘state’ or in my terms ‘the zone’! Does it make sense now how jumping back to ‘form’ after a cheat day(s) was so difficult and played a tune on my mind and body? I have come to believe that my ‘cheat days’ prevented me from getting to my ‘zone’ where waking up to work out is easier, upping my pace is not such an ordeal, where saying no to mega carbs or processed sugars isn’t an uphill task.

Don’t believe me? A wee question…how many of us took a little ‘holiday’ (aka cheat period) over Christmas and the New Year and found that bouncing back to their work out regimen was a nightmare? Or Returning to the healthy meal plan was almost like starting from scratch. Or the biggie: how many of us actually put on weight when we took our wee holiday?

I won’t put all of the blame on cheat days, but I know in my heart (chuckle) that they have played a role in my fumbles in the past. So, over the last month, I have had NO CHEAT DAYS WHATSOEVER! Yes you heard me! Where previously I would work out on alternate days, I now work out every day (except Sundays). Let me never say never... I plan for, and make every effort to workout everyday save Sunday. And those cheat days when I would stray and eat my ‘off limits’ foods some days of the week, I now follow my healthy eating plan everyday (including Sundays). But let’s balance this: remember I created a system to guide my eating? I shared it with you in ‘Before I eat’ – so I pretty much stick to this.

So this ban on cheat days stays unless I find reason to change my opinion!

What do you think about cheat days? Do they help you? Or have you found The Formula for cheat days that actually works? Pray do share…

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Benefits of Walking

If you have followed this blog for a while you will know I've been on my soap

box about the benefits of walking in our bid to DROP IT FOR LIFE! Yes! I totally believe that you can turn back your health clock from negative to positive, reverse health issues, and lose weight to boot all by utilizing your "Legedes Benz" (ie your legs).

So I will stay on my soap box as I share this infographic I found on the Prevention website (credit where credit is due). Does the information tickle your inspiration bone? It did the extent that I will keep walking longer, brisker and further! (Wink).

Let me challenge you! Will you commit to walking more by:
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Parking your car further so you walk further to get to your destination
  • Walking to your neighbourhood shop/mall rather than driving there
  • Pacing in your office while doing routine things like talking on the phone for extended periods of time
If you are with me in this, go ahead and drop a comment saying 'I committ to ......'; you will be suprised how this public committment will be your first step towards accountability and yes, a new you!

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Friday, January 9, 2015

Get My Groove Back

I stepped into this new year really revved at my new goal to hit a size 14(US) by December 2015, but to my surprise and dismay I have really struggled over the last week. I can hear someone saying ‘what are up about Liz? You are the one that’s supposed to be motivating me’.

Be that as it may, but the truth is that like everyone else engaged in the battle of the bulge, I have periods when I struggle. I am HUMAN! LOL

I will be frank and spell out my struggles with you, I am sure a couple of people will be able to relate:

In my ‘real life’ I work in a financial institution, and the last few weeks of a year and the first few weeks of the new year are notoriously stressful at work; suffice it to say I have really been stressed of late. And when I am stressed, I don’t sleep well. And when I don’t sleep well, waking up to work out is the last thing on my mind.

Speaking of sleep, research has shown that adequate sleep actually promotes weight loss. You can imagine the stress produced just thinking of this.

Also, I don’t know about you but when I am stressed I tend to lose control of my eating – I have come to the conclusion that stress like alcohol actually diminishes your restraint. So if you could walk by that luscious bar of Sneakers with great focus on your goals and almost no regret when you are NOT stressed; when you are stressed you are more likely to pick that bar and then some up and end up quaffing much more than is required or healthy.

But you know what? I think these are all excuses! I am in charge here, am I not? I call the shots and my body had better roll out of bed and WORK OUT! LOL!
Seriously though, in writing this, I realized that negative thinking aka allowing the stress to overwhelm me robs me of my power to live the healthy life I want to and need. I realize that staying positive, taking each day as it comes, being true to myself & ensuring that I honestly do not slack off…and above all reminding myself of WHY I embarked on this in the first place. Plus bringing to mind the benefits I’ve enjoyed so far and the benefits I hope to enjoy at my new weight/size.

Why are YOU doing this anyway?

I don’t know about you, but I am in this to LIVE, and in 2015…
  • I am going to re-inspire myself!
  • I am going to be a size 14(US) by December 2015!
  • I am going to get my groove back!

Again, why are you doing this? And what is your goal in 2015 (I ask because I strongly believe that when you put it down on paper, you are more committed to actualizing it than when it’s just a random wish/thought in your head). Go ahead, share (you may just win a pedometer in the process *wink*)!

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Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Resolutions, Goals or Wishes

Almost everyone I know makes resoloutions for the new year.

We all want to:
  • Lose weight
  • Stop some bad habit
  • Develop some new 'good' habits
  • Become something better
  • Make more of life
  • Travel somewhere
  • Have more financial freedom
...I could keep going...

What are your goals in 2015?

I found this poster on Pinterest and thought it would help someone (it definately has helped me). You from me to you...

If you could share, what is your biggest (shareable) goal in 2015?
Mine is to get to a size 14 (US) by 31 December

Have a wonderfully brilliant 2015, and as we continue this journey...may we find health, wealth, wisdom and freedom!