Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bread, I BIND you...!

I have been worried for a bit now about having plateaued (i.e. for the last 4-5 weeks my bathroom scale just won’t shift downwards); and the feeling of despondency, being stuck and silent desperation has been creeping in. From experience, I have found out that these negative feelings are a precursor for a binge. Binging is basically a period of uncontrolled eating brought on by varying factors; it is actually viewed as a disorder. And for those who have experienced a binge experience, it does so much damage to your psyche – you feel deflated and could actually add more weight. Considering that what triggers my binge episode is the pressure of NOT losing weight…for me a binge episode is a negative double whammy.

Anyway, in a bid to stave off a binging, I have chosen to take my work out a notch higher. I started waking up by 5:45am to walk/jog for 20 to 30 minutes …with my 3kg dumbells in each hand. Crazy right? I know – but that’s how desperate I have become to push this extra 40kg on me off! The first few days I did this I felt like something a bull tossed around in a bull fight. Everywhere – even places I did not know I had muscles hurt …and BADLY. I frankly felt sick. But I am not just involved in the process (positive confession), I am committed (ever heard the story of the hen and pig? In the breakfast arrangement, the hen is involved [for eggs] but the pig committed [for ham]…LOL).

Okay, I have done this crazy morning regime for a couple of weeks so far, and guess what? Just one miserly kg lost! All that pain…and just 1kg? This is so NOT FAIR! 

So the other day I was talking to one of my mentors/friend John Tschohl (He is an amazing customer service strategist and GURU; learn more about him from and sharing my current troubles and he recommended a book called ‘Wheat Belly’.

John said that in trying to improve his fitness levels, he decided to shed some weight, and that this book helped a lot. One major life changing idea he  practiced was dropping bread from his diet. My reaction was -“BREAD? BREAD? MY BREAD?? My staple breakfast food? My 'go to' when my pantry is empty? You expect me to give up my bread?” 'What else will I eat?' - (Confession: I have actually cut down my carbs, but I still eat my bread and biscuits!) But John assures me that while this is not easy (like me, John is/was a bread lover), he has seen amazing results – by simply cutting out bread from his diet. I'm like...oookkkaaayyy!

After the call, I said to myself - “what good is a mentor if you won’t listen to him and take his advice?”. The least I can do is look up this ‘wheatbelly’ thing online, right? Well I did that the next morning, I found the website on Google ( ), and the first thing that caught my attention was this picture – see…
Boy! Do I want this to be my story!

Then I read some of the testimonials/success stories and noted first off that most of the people were talking about dropping wheat from their diet. I guess bread is my biggest wheat culprit, followed by biscuits.

Reading the testimonials I read someone called Amine who said “…the stunning part for me is I have exercised like a maniac for years and never noticed a difference in weight. By dropping wheat and exercising like usual, I have quickly noticed the difference.”

Another person, this time Donna said “…progress report at 3 weeks: Lost 4 pounds around my middle (and thighs), body aches have disappeared, my previously distended, uncomfortable belly has deflated, can go for 6 hours without feeling hungry, I feel so energetic and practically spring right up a flight of stairs, sleep like a baby with no hip pain waking me up, no longer feel depressed because I was slowly gaining weight despite being a runner and person who doesn’t overindulge.”

Then I even read something about a Jon who got relief from acid reflux which he attributed to dropping wheat products from his diet. I could jump for joy – because I too suffer from awful acid reflux…

I could continue, but I think you get the gist – I certainly did; especially as these people seem to have been in a similar situation as me. Looking at all these stories/testimonials…I could hear the penny drop. So, this is what my nutritionist (Dr Fiona) meant when she said cut out carbs! (Duh!)

But I don’t kid myself that it will be easy…especially as the dreaded bread is akin to hallowed culture in my family. Do/will I have the will power to turn away from wheat products aka bread & biscuits? What alternatives do I have for bread and biscuits? Are there any substitutes for my mid day cup of green tea and biscuits?[sigh]. This is a new level, and do I have what it takes to make it? I will get back to you on that…

In the meantime, I will find the book (wheat belly) and read it cover to cover. Maybe I’ll learn some strategies that can work for me – I will be sure to share them here. I’ve checked my 'goto' online store ( for the book, but they do not have it…any ideas where I can get a copy? Please let me know pronto J

Have you ever to tried cut out wheat/bread/biscuits from your diet? How did that go? Please drop a comment (below) and share; let’s all learn from you. Meanwhile, encourage me as I BIND MY LOAF OF BREAD...From October 1, 2013 its NO MORE BREAD.

Also, if you have any ideas for what I could eat as an alternative for my bread, please buzz me in the comments section!

Finally, please FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!

Tried & [NOT] Tested

Over the years, in my ‘QUEST’ to lose weight, I have heard [and been scandalized] about many methods and ‘quick fixes’ to achieving weight loss goals. Some of them did make some sense, others I actually tried (I may just own up and tell you what I have tried…you may be shocked), and the rest had me running for the hills!

So as I blog about weight loss (and still try to lose some weight) I thought it would be fun to look at the weight loss options out there. Each of these may or may not work for you, but at least you will have some fun learning about what people like you and I are getting up to.

So here there they are… my top list of [some crazy] ways we try to lose weight the world over. Wanna guess which I have tried?

Tapeworm Diet

You can say it out load…’ewwwwuuu’! I said the same thing when I heard about this weight loss trick last year!

This diet propagates eating tapeworms (they actually have tapeworm eggs in capsules), thereby letting the worms chew on the carb or excess food content, making you lose weight. But I have to ask, does the end justify the means? These creepy, wriggly, maybe slimy creatures will crawl around in my/your tummy laying millions of eggs….(give me a minute to close my eyes and shudder in distaste).

…Okay, I’m back. One last word if this track seems attractive to you… tapeworms can lead to loss of nutrients and vitamins in your body. You CAN get REALLY sick.

Lose Weight by Having Sex


According to researchers sex is a one of the craziest way to lose weight. Check this…the average sex session burns 150 to 250 calories per half hour, depending on how athletic your sex tends to be. Really?

I read somewhere that it’s a commonly known fact (although my mom never told me this) that sex is a very good workout, even if you aren’t extremely acrobatic, as sex naturally gets your heart rate up, which in turn improves circulation and burns calories and fat.

When I read further (YES, I did do further textbook research… wouldn’t you?), I read that by practicing positions other than just missionary, we are also engaging different muscle groups, so it can be both a cardio and toning exercise…not to mention doing wonders for your overall flexibility (They say!). The best thing about it, that there is absolutely no energy or equipment necessary, except your own.

Does this work? You tell me… 

Lose Weight with Laughter

In a study on 45 adults (rather small sample, wouldn’t you say?) American scientists have claimed that a good laugh makes a first class diet! These Next Gen researchers sustained (for 10 – 15 minutes) strong laughter daily can up your energy consumption (kind of like mimicking energy guzzling exercise) by 10 to 40 calories per day. Note people! 40 calories is equivalent to two cups aka handfuls of cabbage! This fact alone may induce a weight loss of 0.5kg to 2 kg annually! At this rate I’ll shake off my extra 40kg in …20 years! I had a real belly laugh with this one.

Seriously though, laughter really may be the best a good medicine to try. As it is claimed to calm the nerves, improve the immune system, and break the ice, AND it also burns calories.

Lose Weight by Smoking

I heard about this weight loss trick sometime in 2004, and have to admit that I was [briefly] tempted to try it. Anyway, when I remembered the statement that ‘smokers are liable to die young’ I gave up that idea in a hurry!

Having said that, some people [I know] smoke to suppress their appetite. Nicotine is believed to both curb appetite and increase the rate of metabolism. When metabolism increases, more energy is used to perform bodily functions. I have not been able to find any scientific research to support these claims (if you do please send it to me).

But a quick caution: smoking may seem to be quick win, BUT the habit has been associated with various malignancies, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. I’ll stick to laughter, thank you very much!

Lose Weight with Hypnotism

I had the privilege (?) of watching the British hypnotist/mentalist Darren Brown a few years ago. I came off from that experience frankly disturbed, mainly because I did not understand how it worked or the power the hypnotist has over the subject.

That being said, people who go for this option leave not having lost any weight immediately, what they do is try to condition their minds to change long term behavior. Researchers have said that people who try to lose weight with hypnosis may lose a few pounds, BUT only IF done with a combination of diet and exercise. So just hypnosis alone does not work; but it’s a free world…if it floats your boat, go for it!

Using Abdominal-belts

Slimming down without exercising or eating healthy proves nearly impossible. You can attempt temporary weight loss around the waist, though, with a massage slim belt. A massaging slimming belt claims to help you shed excess water weight, at least briefly, by causing first vibrating the fat stores in your abdominal region, and secondly using heat to cause you to sweat around the middle (Or so the lady I got mine from promised). These popular belts run on batteries, and you can set the belt at different strengths. These belts are touted to be easy-to-use solutions to weight loss, BUT do they work? I don’t think so! I tried this a few years back, and all that shrunk was my wallet.

Bariatric Surgery

I know I said I would give you ten ways to lose weight, but this list will not be complete without the surgery option (aka bariatric surgery). This option is becoming increasingly popular with celebrities like Star Jones, Al Rocker, even the current governor of New Jersey Chris Christie going for this option.

This extreme method of weight loss is NOT a miracle pill; it only assists the patient with weight loss over time, and is not for the faint of heart. And it’s only currently available for people with BMI (body mass index) of 40 and above. If you are unsure of your BMI, you can use the cool widget at the bottom of the blog page to calculate yours.

Weight loss surgery comes in various guises, but I am familiar with the gastric balloon (reversible procedure), gastric sleeve (not reversible), adjustable band (reversible procedure), gastric bypass (not reversible) etc. If you are interested in this you can read more about the surgical options to weight loss here: BUT most importantly ask your doctor if you are eligible.

Using Slimming Creams

They say the truth will set you free, so I will confess that I have bought and used a product (which will remain unnamed) touted to shrink girth and dissolve cellulite. Did it work, you ask. Well…NO!

I am not alone in this; researchers say that British women spend up to £30m a year on such products that are claimed to be the ultimate solutions to weight loss. But medically speaking, there is no evidence to prove the benefits of these creams. All they can do is give you an illusion of tighter and smoother skin, and to some extent appear to reduce cellulite.

Although sold as miracle creams, slimming creams cannot spot train your body. Only cardio and strength exercises, when worked together on a regular basis can help with healthy weight loss.

Lose Weight by Plastic Wrap

Be truthful...the picture kind of cracks you up, right?? I hear that this is popular with brides, who need emergency fixes to get into that special dress. What you do is you wrap your body parts eg thighs in the plastic wrap (many people use cling film) for a protracted period of time causing you to sweat out water weight and give you an illusion of loss of just an inch or two in the wrapped body part. But be careful, wrap up for too long and you run the risk excessive fluid loss, and endanger your health (dehydration etc). In addition, another concern is the fact that many of the plastic wraps (including some cling film) are made from Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which has been claimed to be a dangerous consumer product. Although a well-known spa in my city offers this therapy I have not tried it (yet), but please buyer beware!

The Dream Diet

Go to SLEEP. Yes, you read correctly. Sleep more…and lose weight. My first thought when I heard about this was ‘Right! If this were true, I’d be a size ZERO!’ But reading more about this, I think we should not knock it at least just yet. I got this from the Mayo clinic website, and they claim that research suggests that the quality of sleep you get each day affects your weight loss/gain! When I read this I immediately remembered by battle with insomnia.

To quote the Doc -have you ever experienced a sleepless night followed by a day when no matter what you ate, you never felt full/satisfied? If so, you have experienced the workings of a couple hormones that affect behavior, sleep and eating patterns. From what I gathered, to improve your feeling of fullness and manage your eating, get more restful sleep - it's all about QUALITY of sleep.

I don't really understand the science, but the 'get more sleep' bit kind of makes sense to me. I am sure going to look for innovative ways to get my recommended 8 hours of shut eye daily! 

Wire Jaw/Teeth Shut

I have some friends who have honestly gotten massive results from this, but I’ve always been too chicken to try it out. Take away my ability to talk, and you might as well lock me up in a nut house.

Wiki How explains this process as ‘wiring your jaw closed, forcing you to adhere to a liquid diet, which ultimately will allow you to lose weight’ over time. Jaw wiring is a simple dental procedure and is sometimes recommended by a doctor for patients that are morbidly obese.

The goal of jaw wiring is to inhibit the intake of solid foods, dramatically decreasing the amount of calories one can consume. By wiring the jaw, you are unable to chew and essentially getting all of your nutrients from a liquid diet. When I say liquid diet, I mean shakes, soups, gruel, broth etc. Are you GAME?

NOTE: Please don't go off any try ANY of these 
without checking with your Doctor FIRST

What have YOU tried in your bid to get rid of your muffin tops and love handles? Is it on the list? Please let me know…

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Friday, September 13, 2013

Red Hot Chilli Peppers

No, not the band, the condiment for food. And please don’t start singing… “♪♪ I’m hot…too hot for this blog; so hot for this size…HOT!♪ LOL

Seriously though, it seems like my brothers and sisters from western Nigeria are on to something revolutionary as regards weight loss. Maybe that’s why so many of them are so HOT (giggle). I heard about this a while ago, and it’s been like an urban legend for a while, but I recently came across research that points to the weight loss benefits of HOT PEPPERS. Yes, you heard me right…HOT PEPPERS.

A recent article on by a Sandeep Godiyal says that the natural compound in hot peppers called capsaicin works in so many different ways that can guarantee faster shedding of fat without compromising safety. But more credibly, the biggest impact is in curbing weight regain.

Personally I do not like peppers as a rule – the best you can get me to eat is black pepper (which isn’t so hot by Nigerian standards), but after reading what I will share with you below, I think I might be convinced to move over to the hot side…

So now to the brass tacks, below are 10 benefits of capsaicin (the compound in hot peppers) for healthier weight loss. As you read this, when you see 'capsaicin' just think 'hot peppers'.

Capsaicin boosts metabolism

Some of the properties of Capsaicin can help stimulate energy releasing by consuming 3% more calories (they are calorie gobbling beasts), especially when taken before exercising. Also, due to faster fat metabolism, your body will guzzle more calories even while at resting state, like while sleeping.

For me this means that no matter when I eat my hot peppers, I get the benefits all day long.

Capsaicin improves effective digestion

Hot pepper has been used for hundreds of years to help in indigestion and gastrointestinal irregularities. In food it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and makes nutrient absorption more efficient.

When I read this I hear: “without peppers I absorb like 65% (I’m pulling a number out of my hat here) of my meals total nutrient content, but with peppers I’m getting out like 80%”.


Capsaicin effectively suppresses the appetite

Capsaicin drastically affects the production of the thyroid hormone that controls adrenaline and dopamine - hormones that regulate appetite. By adding hot peppers to every meal, you are cutting your appetite by more than half, just enough for you to eat healthily but not overeat.

With the food burning a hole in my mouth, I am guaranteed not to overeat, so this makes sense to me. LOL Seriously though, let’s not knock it till we’ve tried it.

Capsaicin cuts off binging habit

Spicy flavor in peppers naturally make eating less enjoyable because of their numbing effect to the tongue. While hotness works great in small quantities, not many people can eat spicy foods in large amounts.

Ditto! My feelings exactly

Capsaicin increases energy and alertness

Capsaicin triggers thermogenesis; thermogenesis is the process of heat production by an organism (you); when your body is undergoing thermogenesis (either via exercise or diet) you are actually increasing your energy expenditure and fat oxidation. In addition, animal testing observed increased energy and alertness levels on test subjects also due to capsaicin's thermogenic effect.

I’m thinking exchange your morning cup of coffee for a peppery breakfast (like an omelet with fresh peppers) and still enjoy alertness and increased energy for your daily routine.

Capsaicin improves stamina

Then our ‘oh so helpful researchers’ have also submitted that taking capsaicin-rich foods helps in lasting longer during heavy workouts and aids in faster recovery after every strenuous physical activity. This is possible by increasing the body's oxygen intake by up to 7.5 percent, making the lungs stronger and oxygen absorption by the blood higher.

Could this possibly be why the manual laborers who work on building sites seem to go on forever (almost) day after day? The live on pepper rich meals the food vendors provide. Fascinating!

Capsaicin regulates carbohydrate processing

In a study conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, it was concluded that capsaicin can control carbohydrate breakdown for more efficient calorie consumption and energy production. It is for this reason that further clinical studies are being conducted toward capsaicin's possible treating function against obesity. (I copied this verbatim from Sandeep Godiyal’s article).

In a country where most of our staples are starch/carb based foods, I think this will switch on a few light bulbs. So to my friends who are so committed to carbs and starchy staples, you seem to have an out here by upping the heat in your meals. But can your mouth take all that fire?

Capsaicin improves fat oxidation

A friend was once told that she had an accumulation of fat in her liver. I wish I had known about this then…I would have dosed her with peppers! (just kidding…kind of)

Researchers are saying that sufficient amounts of capsaicin can stop the accumulation of fat in the liver by increasing the rate of breaking down lipids and converting them to energy. Then when you burn the energy, you drop a few pounds. Now, that’s a double whammy – two for the price of one.

Capsaicin supplies vitamins

Peppers are not just spicy and scorching, they are also a rich source of vitamins A and C that can help you fight diseases and strengthen your immune system. These vitamins also work as very potent antioxidants that can fight the signs of aging.

Capsaicin can protect the cells from damages & cancer

A piece of hot pepper contains an overwhelming amount of phytochemicals (carotenoids & flavonoids) - two powerful antioxidants that show fighting properties against free radicals, the main causes of cancer.

Enough said…bring on the peppers.

Anyway, after reading the research and writing this blog post, I took myself off to have some ‘ofada sauce’ for lunch; initially it was quite painful, but I [almost] got used to the heat as I forged forward with my chow. Am I more alert? Do I look younger? The jury is still out on that, but 15minutes after my meal, I still feel the burn and hope that’s sign that my metabolism is revving up (check out an okay recipe for this spicy sauce here

But if I am going to have to up my pepper intake, I think I will need your help. I cannot very well eat peppersoup or 'ofada sauce' each and every day now can I? What peppery/spicy recipe do you have to share? Please drop a comment (below) and share with everyone let’s all learn from you.

In the meantime, please FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!


My metabolism has a personality - and so does YOURS! And 'meta-persona' is what I call my metabolisms persona.
No I am not going crazy; other than my psyche profile, the way my body creates and uses energy has a personality. I wish I had this information years ago; I would have had more success with my weight loss earlier. Let me share what I have learnt as we DROP IT together.

Prevention magazine September 2013 edition cites a Dr Holly Wyatt (coauthor of State of Slim: You’re your Metabolism and Drop 20pounds in 8 weeks on the Colorado diet) as categorizing the human metabolic personalities as:


Easy Gainer
You gain weight so easily and it’s almost an uphill task maintaining any weight loss.
CAUSE: Weight loss battle is as a result of personal physiological, metabolic and genetic challenges you struggle with.
ANSWER: Get moving & keep moving! Plus reduce your portion sizes and calorie intake to make the most of your metabolism.
I have been an easy gainer all my life!


Healthy Overfuel-er
You eat good foods and exercise but aren’t seeing any appreciable weight loss.
CAUSE: Your energy intake and output is balanced, and you are not working off what you’re taking in. You need to tip the scale on this, so that you expend more energy than you are taking in by way of food/drinks/snacks.
ANSWER: Either cut down your intake of calories/food portions OR ramp up your activity/exercising. Give aerobics a try as a means to up your activity level.



Never had a problem maintaining your ideal weight…until now (after hitting a certain age)
CAUSE: At a certain age, we tend to lose muscle mass and gain fat, and this all adds up to tip us the wrong end of the scale.
ANSWER: Changing how you eat may give you some minimal results. Eg eat more proteins and fiber. But the best thing to do is to change the type of exercises you do -working with weights can help build muscle and keep metabolism revving on high.


After reading this, a few questions may arise; so let me see if I can head you off with some answers [things I do now to keep burning excess fat and keep my weight loss going].

Q What type of exercise is right for me?

Before embarking on my current path, I HATED exercising. The most I would do was walk from my car to my office, and up the stairs at work (which frankly I avoided)…no mystery how I piled on the pounds, right? I tried early morning walks, aerobics, treadmills etc but could not sustain any of the regimes to the point where they became habit (which is the goal – exercising as a habit, not a fad).

Anyway, the first thing to do is get clearance from your doctor that you CAN engage in vigorous exercises – we don’t want anyone to kneel over during a workout.

Find out what works for you (it has to be fun), start it and stick to it.  I have discovered that I will not get my butt off my bed to work out if I do not personally enjoy what it is I am doing. So after a period of trial and error (I still have like 6 months paid up membership at a gym that I never use, coz I HATE it) I found that I really loved working with weights (specifically kettlebells) and swimming. No one is too old to learn how to swim- I learnt how to swim in May of this year (see me below doing my thing J).

Q How often do I have to exercise?

Again, I think it all depends on you, and what your weight loss goals are. When I started, I needed to lose 80kg – so from April to July 2013 I worked out (swimming) every week day – sometimes for 2hours at a time. I’ve gotten lazy in the last few months so now I swim laps twice a week, and work with 6kg kettlebells every other day (although I had intermittent periods of no physical activity at all – which I paid for).

Weight loss guru’s I’ve listened to have recommended no less than twice a week 20-45minutes workouts if you want to drop it.

Q. What can I eat?

I know you hear them say that everything is bad for you – red meat, eggs, cheese, rice, bread….you name it, someone has a reason why it is bad for you. I’m of the opinion that it’s not so much what you eat, but how much of it you consume that is the problem.

Prior to now, I could consume an entire pack of Rich Tea biscuits in one sitting. Does this make them bad? No. And I still love my biscuits, but I try to show some restraint these days J. If you have not read them, please see my ‘sound of music’ and ‘cravings’ posts – I hope it helps you figure out portion sizes and such.

Q. Carbs or Proteins, which is the better choice to eat?

I had a period early this year, when I got it in my head that carbohydrates were bad, and proteins were good; so I stopped taking carbs altogether. After a few days, you could have knocked me down with a feather – I was so weak & dizzy! A Doctor friend of mine (Seyi) set me straight, according to him (and I have come to agree) your body needs carbs as much as it needs proteins. So we have to get some balance, if not our bodies’ will just pack up – and you could end up getting ill.

Personally, with the help of a nutritionist (Dr Fiona) I try to ensure that I take in more proteins than carbs (a rough ratio would be 3:1 when that is possible). However, there are some high carb meals you will not catch going into my mouth like African Melon soup (Egusi) – I just can’t reconcile myself with the fattiness of that dish (personal preference). I’m doing more fish (this is a major achievement, coz I never used to like fish before), seafood (prawns), beans, cheese, milk, peanut butter etc.

I found out that your minimum daily protein requirement is calculated as: 

Your Weight in Kg x 0.8 = Min Protein (in g).

So if you weigh 120Kg, you need 96g of protein daily to live optimally. To put it into perspective, an ounce of meat or fish has about 7g of protein.

Someone just asked if with all my blogging and blabbing I am seeing any benefits from my program. Well, judge for yourself… and yes I cut my hair recently...

What's your meta-persona? Are you an easy gainer, over fueler or are you a mid-life gainer? What have you decided to do about it?
Have do you have any other questions you want to ask? Or want me to share some of my high protein- low carb recopies with you? Send me an email, and I’ll see what I can do to oblige you. Please drop a comment (below) and share let’s all learn from you.

In the meantime, please FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!