had a eureka moment recently, Santa is the ONLY person in the world who is
genetically predisposed to be BOTH jolly and fat. For the rest of us lesser
mortals both (jolly & fat) are mutually exclusive!… at least in my
of the most heart breaking effects of obesity is the toll it takes on your
mental health. I read somewhere that more than 75% of obese people are
predisposed to depression. For me it is a dangerous vicious cycle …I eat
because I am depressed and I gain weight because I eat too much, then I eat
some more because I fat; then I get even more depressed and eat even more… you
know how it goes. A life of consistent sub-conscious overeating, all the while feeling bad about it.
have come to realize that eating is no less a compulsion than other famous
compulsions people suffer from. And if like me you suffer from a compulsion to
eat, and eat and then eat some more you need to acknowledge that you have to do
something about it. What I call common sense methods to deal with everyday life
issues. People who have not experienced this constant mental dialog may not appreciate
it, some have even told me to simply STOP EATING! It’s not that simple. But
neither are we helpless.
of the things I do to help me curb eating uncontrollably include:
my fad foods for healthier options; for examples rather than eat that slice of
cake, why not change and have some pawpaw slices instead – they are just as
filling and loads more nutritious. I’ve cultivated the habit of going fruit/veg
shopping every Saturday; so I have these fruits on hand every day of the week
(night or day). If you check my bag now you will always find an apple or a plum
– just something – an alternative to my go to packet of biscuits! I find that
it helps – especially as I am conscious of not over eating and binging on the
wrong things.
sat down at your desk to do some real work and reach for a single biscuit and a
sip of tea… then two hours later your work is all done but you have noshed away
an entire packet of Rich Tea biscuits and guzzled two cups of sweetened tea?
That is the story of my life – I tended to fall into this trap DAILY! Not ideal
when you want to ‘Drop It’, right? I call this unconscious binging…and it
leaves me feeling sooooo baaaadddd. My remedy? I try focus on my food when I am
eating – yes, focus on the food going into my mouth – not food and TV, not food
and my computer – just FOOD. This way when my brain is yelling ‘you are full’ I
hear and can stop. Give this a try and let me know how it goes.
less but more often – sounds wack right? I thought so when my sister shared
this with me as one of her top weight loss tips. Basically you reduce your
portion size to like a third or half your normal size, but instead of limiting
yourself to three meals a day try eating five meals –breakfast, brunch, lunch, mid-day
and dinner. The trick is reducing the portion sizes, if not you’ll end up
eating too much.
slowly – yes seriously. My dietician says each mouthful should be chewed for no
less than 20 seconds, and to be sure to liquefy your food as much as possible
before you swallow. I think I have this down to a science now – but rather than
count 1, 2, 3… when eating (that’s just weird), I sing the birthday song. Yes!
In my mind I sing ‘♪happy
birthday to you….♪♪’.
The song lasts about 15seconds at normal tempo but it’s better than counting.
If what I am eating is not sufficiently pulverized, I sing the song twice. Hey!
Give me a break…the doctor did say liquefy your food before you swallow after all!
your cup of water before you eat rather than while eating. I am not sure how it works but somehow it fills you
up so you don’t over eat when you eat. Another tip is to drink a lot of water throughout
the day – just sip…sip…sip. If you can add a slice of lemon to the water you
are sipping all day all the better; it should help curb your appetite and keep
you from over eating. I hear that the late Princess Diana made this a habit to
help blast belly fat – and she drank a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning
every day to control hunger pangs.
Your Portion sizes – if you are serious about committing to stopping overeating
you will explore shrinking your portion sizes. What I did was shrink my portion
size by a third. I did this in conjunction with eating less more often.
Out! I mean nibble on veggies – carrots, cucumbers, apples (yes a fruit I know,
but you know what I mean), cherry tomatoes etc. Get into the habit of having
some pre-cut veggies [and fruit] in your fridge (a bowl of veggies taken to
work every other day will not go amiss either).
make you crave more. By sweets I mean your sweet biscuits, snacks, sugared tea,
candies etc. It’s just like your fizzy drinks – you have one and you will
invariably want another…and another. Sweet makes you crave more sweets – that’s
the vicious cycle you want to get off of. So if you can forgo the sweets
entirely do that. If you have not [yet] schooled your taste buds and weaned
yourself off sweets then I would advise looking for alternatives to your sweet
of choice. Think honey, dried fruits and such. (I am thinking I will do a blog
post soon on sweets and sweet additives, and sweetener alternatives).
feeling after you have overeaten is BAD, and I would do much to forego such a
sense of defeat, helplessness almost like I am trapped. That’s why I try to
practice the tips I’ve shared above. They have helped me – not to say that I
don’t still have moments of weakness when I have a binge-fest…but it’s no
longer a daily occurrence.
you have any tips to help you not over eat? What do you do? What has helped
you? I am eager to learn from you – please drop me a comment.
the meantime, please FOLLOW "DROP IT"
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