Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Sure, we can do it...together!!!

Welcome to the begining of the best years of your life!

We shall ROCK 2014!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Project Jumpstart 2014

One habit I want entrenched in my life in 2014 is the habit of fasting – both for its spiritual and health benefits. Reading the famous story of Daniel in the Bible, I note that he fasted off Nebuchadnezzar’s rich foods and ended up being the buffest, fittest, smartest of the trainees (cutting a long story short). I call this the "Daniel Dynamite" (dynamite because it blows all of your competition out of the water). I think that a fast is akin to a detox of sorts; although I have become aware that current medical researchers say that the detox fad has no basis in human biology (http://www.webmd.com/diet/detox-diets). Nevertheless, I still believe that there are some short term physical and mental benefits to be gained. Hence my desire and determination to fast ...detox...regularly in 2014! It is my opinion that the benefits of regular short term detox includes:
  • Feel lighter and brighter
  • Boost energy
  • Improved sleep quality (This I really need)
  • Better bowl movement
  • Boost immunity
  • Improved skin clarity (which lady would turn her nose on this?)
  • Jumpstart metabolism (by jumpstart I mean, give it a well-deserved rest before you kick it up again – even cars benefit from this rest & rev action)

I’m sure you were expecting me to mention that one benefit of a detox is ridding the body of harmful toxins? Well, from what I gather it does not work like that. In actual sense the ‘detox’ is really not a ‘detoxification’ if you are splitting hairs and checking definitions– it’s rather a ‘jumpstart’ - your body, mind and spirit will be cleansed and re-booted resulting in a whole & healthy person. By person I mean me.

Anyway, the long and short of what I am trying to say is that I have chosen to start 2014 with a 7 day Jumpstart Detox – simply because I want to first get all of the benefits I have listed above and also clear & calibrate my mind for the new year. If I can get into the habit of doing this every quarter – I am sure I will be the better for it. And as I approach my 40th birthday (go ahead and do the math...lol) in a couple of years this habit will stand me in good stead and make my 40 really be my new 20!

So as I engage Project Jumpstart 2014 I will be posting my daily diet and exercise regime in case anyone wants to work me. It will mostly fruits and veggies though – so be prepared! J I'm thinking kiwi, carrots, grapes, sour sop, pineapples, beets,  bananas, apples....yum!

Before I get ahead of myself I also need to admonish myself to be prepared because I know it will NOT be easy, I am counting on my accountability partners (and you) to keep me honest… hope I make it thorough to day 7. I will announce the start date on this blog - so keep following!

For those who want to Jumpstart with me, please contact me and let’s see how we can encourage and support one another.
Feel free to comment on the recipies and meal plans I recommend and on how easy or difficult it is/will be/has been (not sure which tenses work here – but you get what I mean, right?) to make the smoothies and juices I/we will be making/drinking.

Having said that I will be sharing recipes, I have to give credit to whom credit is due – most of the juice recipes I will use are from the Juice Masters’ recipe book (when you buy a Juice Master, it usually comes with a book on the history and benefits juicing and also full of fab recipes created by the juice master himself – Jason Vale) – some of the other juices and smoothies are my efforts at creating something unique that works for my health, for my palette, for me ...and from the fruits and veggies readily available in my local market.

With so many options to detox and jumpstart why did I opt for the fruits & veggies route? (for other options see http://life.gaiam.com/article/how-detox-your-body-outside) My reasons are quite simple –
  1. I believe fruits & veg (natural foods) contain nature’s remedies for human ailments
  2. I heard someone say fruits & veggies alone for one week could help me blast my tummy and reduce my muffin tops significantly (so I'm thinking...go for it girl!!)
  3. I may, will, could indulge myself this Christmas (I am being HONEST!!!)– so I will need something real to knock any extra Christmas weight (fingers crossed)
  4. Reduce any accumulated sugar in my system from my Christmas pudding (smiling) – I don’t know if sugar accumulates like this, but I’m going to keep this on my list of reasons just to make me feel better, and just in case it does.
  5. Rebalance the good/bad bacteria in my tummy (a few years back one of my doctors said I had a helicobacter pylori infection – so I have become quite manic about supporting the good bacteria in my tummy)
  6. To access my personal version of the Daniel Dynamite

Caveat Emptor/Buyer Beware!!!
If you are going to do this with me, please, please, please make sure you have your doctors (or a qualified medical practitioner’s nod to do so). If you have diabetes, ulcer and such I don’t think this is for you …sorry! Like I said earlier, there are other ways to get your jumpstart on, so explore them.

Also if you are doing this please keep the following tips in mind:
  • Drink LOTS…LOTS and LOTS of water all through the day
  • Avoid carbonated drinks like the plague (the caffeine will do you in …seriously)
  • Stay away from packed juices and pastries
  • Have fun with herbal teas
  • Morning walks are very important – fresh air,vitamin D…need I say more?
  • If you have to in the course of the day, nibble on nuts – almonds, cashews etc
  • When you get lightheaded (note I said, when -not if – because you WILL get lightheaded at the start) reach for a banana or small apple, or some small piece of fruit.
You will need to get a blender or juicer (if you only have a blender - don't sweat it - simply blend your fruits and veggies in that and to get a smoother texture pass the pulp through a fine seive - PRESTO your juice!). If you like the pulp (it fills you up faster) that's ace, right?
You will also need some covered mugs or bottles to cart your juices and smoothies around in - again don't sweat it - if you don't have those cute plastic bottles use your regular empty bottled water bottles. All you have to do is keep the juices and smoothies in the fridge and they will stay fresh for that day.
I think that fresh juice and smoothies should be made fresh each day (serious time committment, I know) - so we are NOT going to make juices today and drink them tomorrow! That way you get all the vitamins and what not... 

To be frank, I am kind of dreading and anticipating Project Jumpstart 2014, it will not be easy – but I am determined. Good health don’t come easy right?

Do you have any plans, habits or resolutions for 2014 that you believe will result in a healthier, slimmer you come the end of the year? Can you share it with us? If you are shy, and want to communicate with me along use the ‘Contact Form’ on the right.

See you in January when we engage Project Jumpstart 2014!

In the meantime, make sure you don’t miss any posts go now and FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Take A Beeting

 I wanted to…
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Boost your stamina
  • Exercise longer
  • Improve blood flow
In trying to find a means achieve these, I found out that there is one veg… you heard me…ONE VEGETABLE that can help me do all of these and more. A bona fide SUPER FOOD endorsed even by my ‘go to’ for medical advice – WebMD! Are you ready for it…

…still waiting?

It’s BEET ROOT JUICE! Literally, the juice from the raw beet vegetable (I’m not sure if beets are veggies or fruits, so forgive me if I just stick to veggie).

Beet -that red veg with dubious shape that we often overlook, boil/steam within an inch of its life if we do use it at all and almost disdain because of its strong color and the high probability of staining your hands when handling it. Yes, the humble beet has found a place in my blog!

Apparently Beet Juice has one of the highest sources of dietary antioxidants and nitrates that could improve both your blood pressure and blood flow throughout the body including brain & heart? Researchers say it could help prevent the start of heart disease – something to do with the nitrate oxide in the beets.
Beets are not just good for adults, they are excellent for babies too (so pregnant and lactating mum's can imbibe). I think the picture says very simply some of the benefits not contained in this blog--- just to encourage kids to take a beeting (pun intended).

The number of people I have met living with or know someone living under the scourge of high blood pressure is really alarming. Just the other day I heard of a woman whose 13 year old son was diagnosed with high blood pressure – and he is NOT overweight, so I wondered what the cause could be. Bringing it home, until I lost a ton of weight, I suffered from high blood pressure too -alas I did not know about this beet remedy, so I cannot attribute my current 120/80 BP to beets.

I am NOT advocating ditching blood pressure medication, [but think about it] if natural sources and remedies like BEET JUICE can be of help, should we not give it a shot?

Anyway, I read about this a couple of weeks ago so I’m now trying to build in a new habit – drinking a cup of BEET JUICE each morning in place of my habitual cup of tea. I don’t think I have taken it long enough to see any major change – but I do feel as though I have more stamina, seriously! I was at my team end of year picnic last Saturday, and unlike me I was on my feet for close to 3 hours dancing…! It may not sound like much to some of you, but for me it was amazing. Then exercise-wise, I don’t know if it’s because of practice or consistency but I am doing more and for longer too.

I won’t go on and on about the science of Beet Juice, but I will share my Beet Juice recipe with you. If you want to see the science you can visit http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/truth-about-beetroot-juice This article is really really easy to read and understand, and I will urge you to please read it.

This is full of Vitamin C, Beta-carotene, and Antioxidants; a perfect & refreshing start to any day.

It also beats any carbonated or packed juice any day!

You will need:
  • 1 medium sized beet root (raw)
  • 2 medium sized carrots
  • 1 big apple
  • Juice from one lemon
What to do:
1. Put everything in your juicer and process
*If you do not have a juicer, use a blender then pass the thick pulp through a fine sieve to get your juice.
2. Pour out into a highball glass and refrigerate
3. Drink cold
(You can actually make your own version using your favorite veg or fruit – I’m thinking cucumbers, soursop, ginger, pears, kiwi etc.)

To close, let me itemize the benefits of beets you us…
  • Reduce blood pressure
  • Prevent heart attacks
  • Prevent strokes
  • Treat anemia
  • Regulate your digestive system
  • Improves metabolism
  • Increase the amount of oxygen carried in red blood cells
  • Improving stamina

So what’s to lose? It’s time to take a beeting and take to beet-ing!

PS: Please do not be alarmed because drinking beet juice consistently will turn your pee pink! [wink]

Let me know what you think of this inspired recipe and if you personalize your BEET JUICE to suite your palette. Post your comment or if you are shy, use the ‘Contact Form’ on the right.

In the meantime, make sure you don’t miss any posts go now and FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Santa I Am NOT

I had a eureka moment recently, Santa is the ONLY person in the world who is genetically predisposed to be BOTH jolly and fat. For the rest of us lesser mortals both (jolly & fat) are mutually exclusive!… at least in my experience.

One of the most heart breaking effects of obesity is the toll it takes on your mental health. I read somewhere that more than 75% of obese people are predisposed to depression. For me it is a dangerous vicious cycle …I eat because I am depressed and I gain weight because I eat too much, then I eat some more because I fat; then I get even more depressed and eat even more… you know how it goes. A life of consistent sub-conscious overeating, all the while feeling bad about it.

I have come to realize that eating is no less a compulsion than other famous compulsions people suffer from. And if like me you suffer from a compulsion to eat, and eat and then eat some more you need to acknowledge that you have to do something about it. What I call common sense methods to deal with everyday life issues. People who have not experienced this constant mental dialog may not appreciate it, some have even told me to simply STOP EATING! It’s not that simple. But neither are we helpless.

Some of the things I do to help me curb eating uncontrollably include:

Exchanging my fad foods for healthier options; for examples rather than eat that slice of cake, why not change and have some pawpaw slices instead – they are just as filling and loads more nutritious. I’ve cultivated the habit of going fruit/veg shopping every Saturday; so I have these fruits on hand every day of the week (night or day). If you check my bag now you will always find an apple or a plum – just something – an alternative to my go to packet of biscuits! I find that it helps – especially as I am conscious of not over eating and binging on the wrong things.

Ever sat down at your desk to do some real work and reach for a single biscuit and a sip of tea… then two hours later your work is all done but you have noshed away an entire packet of Rich Tea biscuits and guzzled two cups of sweetened tea? That is the story of my life – I tended to fall into this trap DAILY! Not ideal when you want to ‘Drop It’, right? I call this unconscious binging…and it leaves me feeling sooooo baaaadddd. My remedy? I try focus on my food when I am eating – yes, focus on the food going into my mouth – not food and TV, not food and my computer – just FOOD. This way when my brain is yelling ‘you are full’ I hear and can stop. Give this a try and let me know how it goes.

Eat less but more often – sounds wack right? I thought so when my sister shared this with me as one of her top weight loss tips. Basically you reduce your portion size to like a third or half your normal size, but instead of limiting yourself to three meals a day try eating five meals –breakfast, brunch, lunch, mid-day and dinner. The trick is reducing the portion sizes, if not you’ll end up eating too much.

Eat slowly – yes seriously. My dietician says each mouthful should be chewed for no less than 20 seconds, and to be sure to liquefy your food as much as possible before you swallow. I think I have this down to a science now – but rather than count 1, 2, 3… when eating (that’s just weird), I sing the birthday song. Yes! In my mind I sing ‘happy birthday to you….♪♪’. The song lasts about 15seconds at normal tempo but it’s better than counting. If what I am eating is not sufficiently pulverized, I sing the song twice. Hey! Give me a break…the doctor did say liquefy your food before you swallow after all! [shrug]

Drink your cup of water before you eat rather than while eating. I am not sure how it works but somehow it fills you up so you don’t over eat when you eat. Another tip is to drink a lot of water throughout the day – just sip…sip…sip. If you can add a slice of lemon to the water you are sipping all day all the better; it should help curb your appetite and keep you from over eating. I hear that the late Princess Diana made this a habit to help blast belly fat – and she drank a glass of lemon water first thing in the morning every day to control hunger pangs.

Shrink Your Portion sizes – if you are serious about committing to stopping overeating you will explore shrinking your portion sizes. What I did was shrink my portion size by a third. I did this in conjunction with eating less more often.

Veg Out! I mean nibble on veggies – carrots, cucumbers, apples (yes a fruit I know, but you know what I mean), cherry tomatoes etc. Get into the habit of having some pre-cut veggies [and fruit] in your fridge (a bowl of veggies taken to work every other day will not go amiss either).

Sweets make you crave more. By sweets I mean your sweet biscuits, snacks, sugared tea, candies etc. It’s just like your fizzy drinks – you have one and you will invariably want another…and another. Sweet makes you crave more sweets – that’s the vicious cycle you want to get off of. So if you can forgo the sweets entirely do that. If you have not [yet] schooled your taste buds and weaned yourself off sweets then I would advise looking for alternatives to your sweet of choice. Think honey, dried fruits and such. (I am thinking I will do a blog post soon on sweets and sweet additives, and sweetener alternatives).

The feeling after you have overeaten is BAD, and I would do much to forego such a sense of defeat, helplessness almost like I am trapped. That’s why I try to practice the tips I’ve shared above. They have helped me – not to say that I don’t still have moments of weakness when I have a binge-fest…but it’s no longer a daily occurrence.

Do you have any tips to help you not over eat? What do you do? What has helped you? I am eager to learn from you – please drop me a comment.

In the meantime, please FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Recipe Alert: Meat Balls [with Couscous]

Christmas is the best part of the year for me, I actually start planning for Christmas (cards, food, presents, more food, decorations, and even more food) as early as September...yes! September! This year I have put together a notebook full of [healthy] recipes to try over the holidays. And being a sharing soul (LOL) I have decided to share some of them with y'all. So when you see 'Recipe Alert' know that you are getting an early Christmas present from me. Please give the recipes a try and let me know. (It will actually be really nice if you send pictures of your efforts)

So today it's meatballs...[I usually take mine with couscous, but you can experiment with other sides of your choice]

  • I egg (beaten) (to bind your meat balls)
  • I medium onion (finely chopped)
  • 4 cloves of garlic (peeled and crushed)
  • 1 tablespoon ketchup
  • I handful of parsley (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder (if you have it)
  • A dash of turmeric (optional)
  • ½ a slice of bread (to keep your meat balls together)
  • 200g minced beef
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil [my prefered oil]
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon hot pepper (optional)
  • 230g chopped tomatoes (I medium sized tin will do)
  • 1 medium sized fresh tomato (finely chopped)
  • 90ml of water
  • Couscous (to serve)

Fix It
  1. In a large bowl, put in the egg, onion and half the total quantity of garlic, turmeric, ketchup, parsley, paprika, black pepper, hot pepper and cumin powder
  2. Soak the bread in water, then press to drain. Break the soggy bread into small pieces and add to your bowl
  3. Mix in minced beef until well combined. Season with salt to taste
  4. Wet your hands and form small balls (no larger than table tennis balls) from the mixture
  5. In a large pan, heat the olive oil over high heat, then carefully add the meatballs
  6. Fry the meatballs for three minutes on each size, then remove from pan
  7. Place the tinned and fresh tomatoes, water and the remaining garlic in a saucepan
  8. Season with salt and pepper to taste
  9. Gently place the prepared meatballs inside the saucepan and bring to boil
  10. Simmer over medium heat for 15minutes. Meanwhile prepare couscous according to packet instructions (usually just hot water and half a teaspoon of real butter with a pinch of salt)
  11. Serve, kick back and chomp!! J
Here's hoping that you make it rain meatballs this Christmas! (remember the movie?)

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Monday, November 25, 2013

2014 Resolutions

Resolutions anyone?

I'm already in 2014...people who have spoken with me recently know that I am all agush, and excited about the goodness 2014 holds for people who have worked hard [for their money...LOL]. But we are not talking money here...rather we are talking healthy.

Anyways, in 2014 I want to take my healthy living a notch higher (an I hope you will join me) by introducing some new foods to my diet. I want to make these a regular part of my weekly eating. Will it cost more (some of these are quite dear in Nigeria)? Yes...but I am willing to forgo some things for them. And the savings from forgoing some of my usual pantry staples will go towards buying my new fav foods. Desperate times call for desperate measures... and all that, right? Some of the things I want to forgo are palm oil, garri, irish potatos (I'm swapping these for the sweet ones)...etc. So let me tell you about the foods that will be my new best friends come 2014...I'll also tell you why:

Asparagus: This skinny veg is a mega detoxifier and contains high levels of amino acids which act as a diuretic flushing excess fluids out of our system. PLUS it helps ramp up (speed) metabolism of toxins (including alcohol). Finally, it's high in Vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, Iron, Copper etc.

Broccoli: A genuine SUPERFOOD! It has great antioxidant properties which could help fight breast and colon cancer. It's high in fibres, vitamins and minerals (not sprite or coca-cola)

Brussel Sprouts: Check this out....this veg is super low in calories (so it makes a good filler when you want to nibble on something - I think I have shared a recipe for brussel sprout chips in the past...try it  - it does not hurt to try). Also it's loaded with cancer preventing phytonutrients and fibre- this alone should tell you these little veggies go a long way in keep us healthy.

Cabbage: First off one cup of steamed cabbage has a paltry 22 calories, isn't that good news? And your cabbage packs loads of vitamins, minerals and fibers plus the oh so amazinng phytonutrients. Researchers also say that cabbage contain glucosinolate - a metabolix detoxifier aka it will do good things to your metbolism!

Lettuce: This one is 5 calories per cup and is high in vitamin B, folic acid and manganese - which will help regulate you blood suger levels. PLUS when taken consistently will help our immune system function well. What's not to love?

Beets: This is my go to when I want a nice red color to my smoothies - but it's benefits extend well beyond it's cool red color (although they get their color from betamin a potent antioxidant). 1/2 a cup of beets contain about 37 calories so don't overdo it with them BUT they are also rich in cancer fighting antioxidants, iron, fibre, folate and potassium.

Cauliflower: In my bid to give up rice I actually came across a cauliflower rice (using cauliflower as a substitute for rice) recipe. So this veg is really more versitle than we give it credit for. Nutritionally though, cauliflower is neck deep in phytonutrients as well and a great source of Vit C and folate. ps it's also a SUPERFOOD like broccoli.  

Garlic: I know you don't like the pungent smell, but read on and see if I can change your mind. Do you know garlic helps fight the common cold? It even has been said to help with urinary tract infections. The secret is that pungent smell you try to avoid. TIP: if you can find it, take fresh lemon grass tea after eating garlic- it should help with the garlicky smell. 

Onions: I add onions (red onions to be exact) to almost everything I cook. I think it's a veritable gift from God. One major component (allyl sulfides) has been touted to protect against endometrial cancer. Plus onions are like the go to for common home ailments like a cold etc

Celery: Anothe big one - it's packed with fbires, vitamine A, C and folate (did I mention that folate is crucial for healthy pregnancy?...well it is). And you get 16calories per cup of celery. Celery is excellent in soups and smoothies. Did you see my receipe for my detoxing smoothie a couple of weeks ago?

Other foods that made my list are peppers, carrots, tea, pumkin, tomatos...but I've talked about them at one time or the other over the last few months, so I won't bore you here.

The trick I think is eating a balanced meal - a meal that does not sabotage you efforts to regain your health, and maintain your health. We all need food that works with us to ensure that we are healthy from the top of our beautiful air to the soles of our pedicured heels. Why not be a key player in your health? Why not co-operate with nature and use what God has provided to keep us healthy. Why not change your eating habits in 2014? Don't know what you can do with these veggies? I'll put up recipes everyonce in a while, but you need to sit in your pilots sit, go out and get a recipe book, check the internet (google is a good place to start), and experiment. You will be glad you did....

I've shared my healthy eating resolution with you, isn't it fair that you share some of yours with me? Drop a comment!

Make sure you don’t miss any new post - FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend! Thank you for following! J

Recipe Alert (Broccoli Salad)

I was sitting with a couple of my girl friends the other day and they confessed that other than garnishing boiled rice they were not quite sure what to do with broccoli. To tell the truth I was quite like them until a short time ago - when I started taking my healthy lifestyle seriously and I found out some amazing facts about this superfood.
Do you know that broccoli is a SUPERFOOD that promotes wellness and weight management, it's also not too shabby in the disease fighting arena either. WebMD lists broccoli as one of its top ten Superfoods -along with eggs, sweet potatoes, nuts, kiwis (not the people! the fruit ...lol) and so on. [If you want to read more visit the WebMD site http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/10-everyday-super-foods?page=2]. Anyway the short version is that broccoli has strong antioxidant properties which 'could' improve the odds of breast cancer survival (please note the 'could'). It's high in fibre and which 'could' help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Plus at 31 calories per cup it's high in major vitamines and minerals required for a healthy life.
Have I sold you on broccoli yet? I hope so...and I hope knowing about it's magnificent benefits will nudge you into your kitchen to try this broccoli salad recipe I found a while ago.

You’ll need
1 bunch floret of broccoli
3 cloves of garlic mashed into paste
2 tablespoons lemon juice
½ teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 pinch of red pepper flakes
1 pinch of black pepper
1/3 cup of olive oil
Red onions (optional) chopped to little bits
Nuts to garnish
Salt to taste

What to do
  • Prepare your broccoli (trimming and cutting into quarters crosswise)
  • Bring a pot of lightly salted water to boil, put in the broccoli and boil until slightly firm (test with a fork) – this should take about 5-7 minutes.
  • While your broccoli is boiling, skin your garlic. Chop them up and set aside for 5 minutes (this releases its healthy cancer fighting power).
  • Take your broccoli out of the boiling water, and plunge into another bowl of cold water (to stop the cooking process) then drain.
  • Transfer the broccoli to a colander and allow the veggies drip (florets facing down) for about 30 minutes. While this is going on, prepare your dressing using the next step (don’t forget to mash your garlic bits)
  • Whisk your lemon, garlic, vinegar, onions, mustard, and peppers together in a serving bowl. The drizzle your olive oil over this and whisk some more until everything is thick and creamy. Taste for salt – adjust other condiments to your peculiar taste. This is your dressing
  • Toss the broccoli with the dressing and allow to stand for 8-10minutes. Then toss again (just to make sure you reached everywhere). Garnish with your nuts (optional)
  • Refrigerate (if that is your preference) before you serve. Although I like mine at room temp.
  • Let the guilt free chomping commence!!!
So, other than ganishing your boiled rice and this simple salad there ARE many other fantastic uses for broccoli, you just have to find them... Think soups, smoothies (try broccoli, kiwi, carrot and mint with a dash of black pepper and salt), more salads, cassaroles...your body will thank you for it.

Did you try this recipe or any of the other posted so far? What do you think? I would really love to hear from you. Do you have a recipie to share? Drop a comment and let's encourage eachother.
Also, make sure you don’t miss any new post - FOLLOW "DROP IT" via email by inputting your email address on the field to the right side of the blog post, then click submit. Don’t forget to recommend DROP IT to a friend! Thank you for following! J

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Recipe Alert [Tsimmes Salad]

I found this on the Allrecipes app the other day. I hear that it is of Jewish origin and very yum!
To confess, I have not tried it (yet), but it does look promising doesn’t it? I will give it a try over Christmas… after a few test runs – don’t want to fog it up now, do I?

What you’ll need:
2 medium carrots, peeled and chopped
4 plums, cut into small pieces
1 scallion, chopped

What to do:
In a bowl, stir together carrots, plums, and scallion.

Feel free to share this recipe on your Facebook and Twitter pages - use the widgets on the right side of the post!
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Recipe Alert [Fancy Chicken Salad]

I'm always on the look out for simple and easy to make recipies, and I think we have a winner here. Seriously - who can go wrong with chicken salad? Excellent for your light lunch or dinner, plus it's always easy on the waistline (in moderation).

I got this recipie from All Recipies (I actually have their app on my phone - give it a go)
So here goes...your fancy chicken salad (don't ask me why it's fancy)

You Will Need
1/2 cup light mayonnaise
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
2 cloves crushed garlic
3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill (it’s no big deal if you don’t have this)
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cooked
1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese
1/2 cup red bell pepper, chopped
What To Do
  1. Blend mayonnaise, vinegar, garlic and dill. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.
  2. Stir together chicken, peppers and cheese and blend with the chilled dressing.
  3. Serve
  4. Chomp
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Monday, November 18, 2013

90 Percenters

I went into work last week with a bowl of sliced cucumbers for lunch. To tell the truth the bowl as a tad large and the cucumbers were…plenty! Anyway, as is my custom (wink) I offered my colleagues some slices of cucumbers to nibble on and to my surprise of the six people in our little office a whopping FIVE said they did not like cucumbers! Can you believe that? Who does not like the coolest veg in town? SO this is a subtle message to them (you know yourselves) to get them to the cu-side of town.
Here’s 10 reasons to LOVE cucumbers… (I got this off a newspaper article!)
Rehydrate your body. Cucumbers are 90% water, so they can help you rehydrate in a pinch.
Cooley. Get some relief from heartburn and sunburn by nibbling on some slices of cucumber. With the 35˚C days we are currently experiencing in Abuja, a cucumber snack may just be what the doctor ordered to help you get your second wind each day!
Plus I can attest to the heartburn bit – I have an elixir of blended chunks cucumber and low fat yoghurt that works wonders (I call it my C-Smoothie; find the recipe following).  
Toxin Buster: The 90% water content works as an internal broom which sweeps waste products out of your body. Then you can give your kidneys a makeover by eating cucumbers daily – they not only flush out excess uric acid but may also dissolve kidney stones. (I can almost see someone reaching for a dish of cucumber salad…LOL)
Miracle Hangover Cure: Forget your hair of dog mixture; cucumber is it I hear for those ‘infrequent’ days when you overindulge. Simply eat a few slices before going to sleep. The mega quantities of Vitamin B, sugar and electrolytes will replenish essential nutrients lost which could reduce the severity of both hangover and headaches.
Manage the BIG Three: By Big Three I mean some of the major killers today Diabetes, High cholesterol and Blood Pressure. Incidentally, if you are overweight you are up to 3 times more likely to develop any two or all three of these- a good reason to DROP IT! J
Apparently, cucumber juice contains some hormone which aids your body produce insulin (that’s your help with Diabetes). Also sterols (found in cucumbers) can help you reduce your cholesterol levels. The third whammy is the combination of fiber, magnesium and potassium in cucumber which will contribute to regulating your blood pressure (both high & low).
Cancer Fighter: If you are reading this and you have never had a pap smear, boob or prostate exam – please go get it done immediately. Especially if someone(s) in your family has had cancer. Cancer is no respecter of persons! That said – I hear that cucumbers contain some tongue twisting compounds (secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol -I even had a tough time typing these) which researchers believe could help reduce the risk of several cancer types including ovarian, breast, prostate and uterine cancer. Every little helps, right?
Hair & Nails: If you are like me and have flaking nails this will be good news for you! Cucumber contains silica which makes your hair and nails shinier and stronger over time. It could also help stimulate hair growth. Good news for those of African-decent suffering from receding hairlines (women) from tight braids.
Have you noticed that cucumbers are a staple at Spas? It’s because of its high silicon, vitamin C and vitamin(s) B content – excellent for the skin and whole body.
Daily 5: If advertisers are to be believed, we all need 5 portions of fruit/veg daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Now our beloved cucumber is tooted to have most of the vitamins our bodies need in a single day to boost your immune system, give you energy etc. So make cucumber on of your 5 when picking your fruit/veg portions. 
Eyes Bright: I think every woman knows that placing a thin slice of cucumber over your [closed] eyes for a few minutes can help reduce under eye puffiness and bags because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Digestion & Weight loss: Truth be told this is the real reason I started chomping on cucumbers. Cucumbers are 90% water (I’ve mentioned that twice already, but it begs mentioning again) and low caloric content so it’s an ideal meal/snack for people like me/us looking to DROP IT. And I can testify that the fiber in cucumbers contribute to your regularity, and help with constipation.
Not sure how to introduce cucumbers to your diet? Give some of these ideas a try:

I cucumber (cut into chunks)
1 cup of low fat yoghurt
1 teaspoon candrel/stavia to sweeten [or honey] (optional)
4 ice cubes
How to: Throw everything (except ice) into your smoothie maker (or blender) pulse for 10seconds or until smooth; then add the ice.
Pulse again for 15 seconds at 5 sec intervals to break up the ice. Serve!
Cucumber Salad
1 large cucumber (thinly sliced)
1 medium sized red onion
½ cup cider vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon style mustard
½ spoon of brown sugar (I personally prefer brown to white)
1 teaspoons of salt  
How to: Slice your cucumbers thinly and salt them. (Salt by coating the slices with salt then leaving them in a colander to drain for 30minutes – the salt draws out the sweetness of the veg)   When the 30mins are up, rinse the salt off your cucumber slices, dry them off by placing them in a clean dish towel the wring dry (careful if you want to keep your cucumber shapes). Empty dried off cucumbers into a bowl, toss in your vinegar, your mustard and sugar and …toss. Refrigerate for no less than 30minutes (you don’t have to….I just like my cucumber salad cold) then serve.

There are so many exciting and innovative ways to eat cucumbers and you only have to give it a trial to get hooked. PLUS, I am sure some of you have really good cucumber recipes – please share them with us, I promise to publish and give you the credit (cross my heart…). So share…how do you use your cu’?

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