Friday, February 28, 2014

Chef Liz


My friends know that I am not overly enthusiastic about cooking - don't get me wrong, I do cook [well] but I just do not trully enjoy it - the process of cooking. I only really enjoy cooking when I am trying out something new and exotic (as my buds would say 'oyinbo food' - not that I agree with them - but that is another kettle of fish).

My alomost apathy towards cooking I think led to a lifestyle of eating out, and added to poor choices (heavy in carbs & empty calories) I am convinced this contributed to me piling on the weight. But in changing my lifestyle (as I strive to DROP IT 4 LIFE) I fully intend to eat my way to a healthy weight and a healthy life. If you are reading this, I feel you will share my sentiments; so please do read on...

With this new lifestyle, I am making concerted effort to actually make my own meals (take a packed lunch to work and all that) & yes - I am also trying out new and exotic recipies (somemost times making up stuff as I go along). There have been a few misses, but I have had more hits (if I may say so myself) - and I want to share some of the hits with you.

Here goes...

Liz's Steamed Fish Fillet with Mixed Veg
  • 1 fish fillet (I got mine frozen from Chi Shop- Usuma Street, Abuja)
  • Black pepper (1/2 teaspoon)
  • 2 midium strands of saffron (very optional)
  • Pinch of salt (or to taste)
  • Garlic powder (to taste)
  • Fresh Mixed Veg (I used eggplant, carrots, green beans, spring onions, fresh ginger -grated) - feel free to use whatever veg combo you can get your hands on - think brocolli, asparagus etc

What I did
I allowed the fish thaw (obviously)
I mixed the spices - black pepper, salt, garlic powder, saffron in a small plastic pistle and ground them all together
Then I rubbed the ground spices into the thawed fish fillet
Then I placed the spiced fish in a plastic bowl for 10mins to marinate
After that I add about three tablespoons of water into the bowl
Then I nuked it! Yep!
I cranked my micowave to high and cooked for 10mins (at 5 minute intervals)

For the mixed veg:
First thing I did was steam the carrots in my microwave - just until tender
Heated a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil (the beauty of olive oil is that a little goes a long way) - on high
Then I tossed in the sliced eggplant and cooked (stirring constantly) until done (for me thats when it begins to get transparent)
Then I added the ginger, onions, green beans - stirring constantly. The tender carrots are the last to go in
Then reduce the gas flame to slow
I spiced the veg with a pinch of salt, a dash of garlic powder and tumeric (my standard spices)

That's about it...
Here's the result-

I have to confess I made this off the top of my head inspired by some fish and veg recipies I have read in the past.

For me the merits are:
  • Low carbs
  • Healthy extra virgin olive oil
  • Fresh veg
  • High protein
  • Full benefits of spices like tumeric, ginger and saffron

But most importantly - it was both very filling and YUMMY!

Would you give it a try and let me know how it goes? I have a few other tries to share, but maybe sometime soon...stay tunned.

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Till next friday...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ginger Gold...YUM!

I think I’ve mentioned that I really love ginger – I pretty much use it in everything I cook [or blend] because I really love it’s spicy taste and the zing it gives to simple fruit juices.

So I was sitting at my desk at work…sipping my fresh beet/apple/carrot and ginger juice (while hard at work) then I had an epiphany – what benefits can I derive from all this ginger I take in daily? With that thought I set out to investigate along this line of thought. And you will NOT believe what I found. Ginger is like SOLID GOLD for health.
Reviewing the literature out there on the net, I discovered some ailments that could benefit from a dose of fresh ginger include:
  • Common cold
  • Dysmenorrhea aka menstrual cramps
  • Cough
  • Morning Sickness
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so see what this says…

Some say ginger can actually help boost your metabolism – which is particularly helpful, because the higher your metabolic rev the more fat you burn.
Other literature also indicate that fresh ginger could [have not tried it so I cannot say ‘CAN’ – but the researcher I read seemed really positive LOL] actually help with problems surrounding low libido as ginger contains aphrodisiac properties.
I guess the trick now is how to inculcate ginger comumption into your daily meals. Personally, I have my beet juice combo almost daily and I always add a 1inch stem of fresh ginger when juicing – so that’s one way I do it. Also I always grate or mince fresh ginger and add to my steamed veg and porridge. You could give this a try.
Other options include:

Ginger Tea
  • Fresh Ginger stem
  • Water
  • 1 slice of fresh lemon (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (optional)
  • Honey or (to taste)
  • I bag of green tea (optional)

Brew as normal with all the optional items added to your taste.
Drink in the morning or as a mid-morning pick me up.

Ginger-Banana Smoothie
  • 1 mid-sized banana
  • 1 ½ cup fresh chunks of pineapple
  • 1 fresh ginger stem (about 1 ½ inch)
  • ½ cup of plain yoghurt (although Greek yoghurt is better)
Blend everything together, chill then enjoy

  • 5 almonds (it’s best to soak them in water overnight, making them easier to blend)
  • 1 mid-sized apple
  • 1 mid-sized banana
  • ½ cup soy milk
  • ½ cup plain yoghurt
  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1” fresh ginger stem
Blend in a blender (as opposed to another kitchen tool…LOL), chill then serve.
One caveat though – please do not overdo it!
A little ginger stem goes a long way!
PLUS it is spicy!!!

But feel free to tweak these recipes to your particular taste (for example I always change honey for Splenda –sweetener as I am allergic to honey).
Finally, I am an advocate of the view that ‘every little helps’ – so if ginger could help boost my metabolism and blast my belly fat and eventually DROP IT…I will certainly go for it. Wouldn’t you do the same?
Let me know what you think…of the idea of ginger, and of the recipes.
As always, please tell someone about DROP IT, and don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss out on a blog update.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Keeping On Track

2014 is about six weeks old. Are you keeping on track???
As I think about that, I call to mind my goals for the year. My key goal categories include spiritual, emotional, personal development and physical growth. All geared at ensuring that this year ends as my best year yet; my most productive year...I will see myself at less than 100kg by Dec 31st 2014. Following my goals I have plans I activate each day to help me deliver on the goals.
What goals did you set for this year? Research shows that mid-way through February over 80% of people would have dropped all New Year resolutions and plans -reverted to old ways and old bad habits. Ever wondered why?
I have read that some of the reasons why we go off track could be because:
We never really formalize what we want. The English say that ‘if wishes were horses, beggars would fly’ - meaning that it is useless to just wish about something when taken action will give you effective results. What action [plans] have you put in place to achieve your goals? So make some concrete plans NOW. 

There is nothing at stake if we do not achieve our goals. Remember how your parents would promise you a trip to the amusement park or zoo if you outperformed everyone in your class at school? I think it’s the same principle – place an incentive before yourself – so that you have something to look forward to when you achieve your goal. A friend of mine told me of a weight loss money purse in his office – the way it works is at the start of the challenge each member contributes a set amount to the purse (say N5,000  - in his case it was $15), and each person openly checks his/her current weight and this is recorded. Then at the end of a set period members again check their weight and the biggest loser gets the pot! Think of this, where you have 10 people in the group, the biggest loser goes home with N50,000 or $150! Incentive, right?
No one holds us accountable. I’ve found that this is particularly helpful, especially if you are like me and have to struggle with will power. Have someone in your circle hold you accountable to ensure you are on track with your action plans. Yes, I said action plans and not goals, because I am a firm believer that when you keep on track with the right action plans your goals will invariably be achieved and not the other way round. For me the daily action plan is KEY. My friend Iye has been known to caution me when I reach for that fourth cup of tea… - yes, I really drink that much tea.
So what if you are like me and you have done on the above and you are still struggling? What next? I’ll add another dimension that I just discovered. Beware of saboteurs! Yes! SABOTEURS – things, environments and people who sabotage your efforts and will for a healthy lifestyle. These are the enablers that push us away from our resolve. For me it includes my friend who says ‘Liz, you need to stop this weight loss thing, it’s enough, you are beginning to look gaunt’ and my other friend that says ‘you are going too far’. Me thinks I ought to introduce them to my doctor and have them hear from the proverbial horse that I am still obese even at 40kg+ lighter. For my health I have to push on and shed the extra pounds no matter what it takes …for my health. My health and life is at stake here.I’m thinking one way to shut the opinions of saboteurs (myself inclusive) is to visualize what your goal is…I am sure when I get to that goal weight/size these will be the people front and center telling me how good I look and how good it was that I stuck to my plan.

Your saboteur could be that friend that keeps buying you cupcakes and ice cream – don’t get me wrong, I love to get such gifts but not every other day.
Another saboteur could be that ‘boo’ who professes that he loves his women with ‘meat’ on them…! I don’t doubt that men have their preferences, but I don’t think love should lead me down the path to become Ms Michelin…no offence, I’m just saying J

Then the worst saboteur of all is the closest person in the world to you, look in the mirror and sees her/his face. Yes, you can be your own worst saboteur when you do not take adequate precautions to keep on the straight and narrow. Shocking? Indeed – because I know I am my own worst saboteur. You should see the excuses I give to avoid going for my morning walks – they look really stupid a few hours later when I realize the opportunity I squandered. Am I alone here? Do you also sabotage yourself?

I am not so smug to think that my ideas at keeping on track are the only valid ideas out there. So please comment, let’s compare notes – how do you keep on track?

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