Friday, July 4, 2014

Stay Motivated & DropIT

I once heard someone say that the proof of desire is pursuit, and recently I have been thinking about this. I mean inward, challenging thoughts; thoughts designed to rock my world. As my lifestyle kicks in, and I struggle to maintain my tempo I have been asking myself…

‘Liz, how badly do you want to be healthy?’

‘Liz, how desperately do you want to maintain a healthy weight?’

‘Liz, what are you giving up now as proof of your desire?’

Can I ask you some of the same questions now?

How badly do you want to be healthy?

How desperately do you want to maintain a healthy weight?

What are you giving up now as proof of your desire?

What changes are you willing to make NOW for what you want?

What changes have you made in the last month to achieve the aim you say you so dearly want?

The types of answers I get...

I will manage my portion size from the first of the next month.
I don’t seem to know where to get fresh veggies in this country
I am naturally slim, so I don’t really have to watch what I eat
My soda (coke, Fanta…) habit is a part of me…I will make up for it in other ways
Desperately enough to give up soda’s (Coke, Pepsi, Fanta, 7Up…)
Badly enough that I go for brisk walks 3 times a week
I’ve changed my plates in a bid to manage my portion size
Desperately enough to teach my taste buds to shun the unhealthy fare
I previously gorged myself on and reach for healthy options
Depending on our answers AND actions, our committment will be judged, right? So are you putting your money where your mouth is? Or rather putting your body through it's paces?  

Can I encourage you a bit…?

Keep at it, coz it’s SO worth it…

But ultimately, the choice is YOURS…

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