Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

When you work out regularly, it is very likely that you could develop lower back pain. So talking about this subject on DROPIT4LIFE is not out of place.

After the last blog post I got a lot of direct emails and calls; seems like it isn’t just me that has suffered or is suffering from lower back ache – either from less than ideal work out form, sleeping posture or stress. The main question I was asked following this blog post was for exercises or tips to ease the pain. As a result, I decided to share some exercises my physiotherapist (Victoria) had taught me as well as some others I learnt as I went on the web to look for help.

One website that by far gave me the most value in terms of exercises and tuition on how to perform the exercises (and I can honestly confirm that I got almost immediate relief after exercising for like 20mins) was managed by guy called Gary Crowley. I do not know him personally, and don’t know much about him other than what is contained in his site – BUT I did the exercises from the videos I found on lower back pain ( and found them really helpful. Based on this, I can recommend the lower back pain exercises on this site. Give it a try and tell me what you think…

So back to exercises, I took the liberty of getting pictures off the net as I doubt I can effectively explain in words the steps to the exercises.
Victoria recomended this particular exercise and I notice that many sites on the web also recommend it as well; the trick is to do it on a firm horizontal surface and not go too fast. You may want to tip your head back slowly as you stretch gently. I try to do at least five sets each morning and each night.
Now this one you achieve not by trying to lift your hips, but rather by driving the heels of your feet downwards. This should ideally help you gently lift your butt/hips off the ground. And please steady does are not auditioning for a Madonna video lol. I started this when I was in a lot of pain so I went really slowly at first, now I can manage 8 to 10 reps.
I personally would not recommend this one if you are REALLY REALLY in pain (like a 3 or above on a scale of 5), for me this one is to help return your range of movement. Right now my pain level is like a 2 on a scale of 5, so I have only just (yesterday actually) started to do this particular exercise. And like the doctors say, if it hurts STOP!!! Don't risk doing more damage to your back.
A variation to this exercise would be leaving your hips on the floor, keeping your knees together -feet flat on the floor and moving your knees together to the left and right in a steady rhythm (see told you I could not explaint without pictures!). I do 10 reps each side, 3 times. I have found that when I do this in the morning it lossens my back and eases the pain i experience getting out of bed. This is what I mean..

This one I just threw in for's always been a move I practice and I think it helps keep those hips supple. Just lift each leg (one leg at a time) and trace a circle or a box in the air moving the whole leg and not just the foot. Do it clockwise then counter clockwise a few times (I do 10) then switch legs (both legs make a set) - you can do three sets.
If you have suffered lower back ache for any length of time, you can attest that it can be rather difficult finding the best position to rest that won't hurt - at least that's my experience. Then when you do find the position, does it help your lower back or add to your troubles? So I am adding this resting pose that I hope will help. I have tried it, and for what it is worth I think it helps.

These are exercises I am currently doing and it's been a couple of weeks, and I am getting there slowly but surely. If I may add, in the course of my day I have a hot water bottle at my back (at work, in my car...) as the temperature soothes my back. Another thing! I don't sit in one position at work for longer than an hour, I stand up and walk around so that my muscles and joints don't get stiff again. I am confident that at this rate I will be pain free by the weekend.
I really hopes this has been helpful!
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a medical practitioner and I do not claim to have any cures, so if you do want to try these please speak to your doctor or health care practitioner first. And when you do give it a go...take it easy.
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1 comment:

  1. I can relate with this post. Excellent stuff! Keep up the good work Liz.
